Monday, February 23, 2009

2/24/09 Interview - CA education budget cuts

I interviewed my roommate, Soo H Ahn who is 28years old and an international student from South Korea. Ahn has spent over 7years in the U.S from language school, and community college to San Jose State University, she is attending right now. Because of the facts, she becomes a one of the most suffered people by California education budget cuts.

Hye S. Han( H): Please tell me about your life in California as a student.
Soo H. Ahn(A) : It’s very competitive. Many students study so hard. The California residents have a strong passion of education, so most of schools have high standard education level. I hope I can graduate soon.

H: Ok, for 2009, there are education budget cuts of California, you already know. Do they affect your life although you are not a California resident? If they do, what changes occur?
A: Yes, I think it affects a lot. I pay 3tims more tuition fee than resident because I am not a California resident. Moreover, I need to pay more in this year because of the education budget cuts of California. Actually, I paid over $7,000 for 15 units.

H: Do you have any expectation to the California government for reducing education tuition?
A: Of course I hope the California government should reduce the education tuition for all students, especially for international students. I am scary a lot because the education fee will go up again.

1 comment:

  1. This interview really shows how the California state budget really affects not only California residents but also non residents. It is amazing to see that she has to pay over 7,0000 dollars for 15 units. This interview is pretty one sided because it seems to go against the California budget which is understandable because that is a really high tuition to pay for school compared to other SJSU students.This interview does have an authoritative feeling to it because it is backed up by real situation that the person is going through. A way that the argument in this interview can be taken a little further is by giving more information of how it used to be without this problem in the California budget. Prices could have been compared to show the difference of then and now. This interview could become real good evidence of how the California budget effects both residents and non residents in California.
