Monday, February 23, 2009

2/24/09 Authoritative source

By Howard Blume and Jason Song
January 30, 2009

Teachers who oppose the CA education budget cuts, approved by Schwarzenegger and the L.A. Unified superintendent, gather L.A downtown and rally to rise their voices. The rally starts from Beaudry Avenue to the nearby Reagan State Office Building. They ciriticize the budget cuts and worry the consequences- layoff teachers, larger classes, and less assessment for students.
As a response for the rally, the state government issue a statement, saying there is no choice but only tighten its belt because of the economic downturn.

2/24/09 Interview - CA education budget cuts

I interviewed my roommate, Soo H Ahn who is 28years old and an international student from South Korea. Ahn has spent over 7years in the U.S from language school, and community college to San Jose State University, she is attending right now. Because of the facts, she becomes a one of the most suffered people by California education budget cuts.

Hye S. Han( H): Please tell me about your life in California as a student.
Soo H. Ahn(A) : It’s very competitive. Many students study so hard. The California residents have a strong passion of education, so most of schools have high standard education level. I hope I can graduate soon.

H: Ok, for 2009, there are education budget cuts of California, you already know. Do they affect your life although you are not a California resident? If they do, what changes occur?
A: Yes, I think it affects a lot. I pay 3tims more tuition fee than resident because I am not a California resident. Moreover, I need to pay more in this year because of the education budget cuts of California. Actually, I paid over $7,000 for 15 units.

H: Do you have any expectation to the California government for reducing education tuition?
A: Of course I hope the California government should reduce the education tuition for all students, especially for international students. I am scary a lot because the education fee will go up again.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

2/19/09 rhetorical strategies

The situation that the U.S. faces is not so good; Point of view as a Democracy

There isn't any weapon discovered like President Bush claims; Evidence

Critics toward the President Bush's plan; Tone


2/19/09 Politics summary

I read "No Troops Surge in Iraq."

Marcy Kaptur, Ohio-Rep., has a speech that she supports the resolution.
She describes what situation the U.S. military and the U.S. government confront now,
and how the U.S. is looked like to the world, including Islam government and citizens.
She doesn't agree that the present President Bush's plan is working efficiently, and he will
get nothing but only bad reputation and worse conflict. Terrorism toward the U.S will be growing
if the resolution is not passed.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2/17/09 how does Obama persuade people to believe in and follow him?

Barak Obama, as a 44th president of United State of America, has an inaugural speech on Jan.20, 2009.

Barak Obama emphasizes the people's unity under the name "America" to persuade people to believe in and follow him . He knows well many of problems that he has to reform as a president exist, and his work is needed citizens' supports. For obtaining the supports, Obama has to appeal to citizen's patriotism. He mentions what the ancester did for America, and what "we" have to do for next generation. Listing lot of problems that America faces, including harsh economy , terrorism, and poor policies makes people feel sympathy with him but he, at the same time, gives people confidence that only Americans - we -can solve the problems as a leader of the world. Therefore, the inaugural speech shows Obama's confidence, passion, and intention of solving the issues as a president of United State of America, like the ancestor did.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

reflect on new changes

I like the new structure of the class. It looks more interesting, and fun. However, one thing that I worry is that my lack of english skills. Sometimes, I lost directions.

2/12/09 Journal

1. List topic you would like to write about:

Abortion should be regulated by government or not.