Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2/17/09 how does Obama persuade people to believe in and follow him?

Barak Obama, as a 44th president of United State of America, has an inaugural speech on Jan.20, 2009.

Barak Obama emphasizes the people's unity under the name "America" to persuade people to believe in and follow him . He knows well many of problems that he has to reform as a president exist, and his work is needed citizens' supports. For obtaining the supports, Obama has to appeal to citizen's patriotism. He mentions what the ancester did for America, and what "we" have to do for next generation. Listing lot of problems that America faces, including harsh economy , terrorism, and poor policies makes people feel sympathy with him but he, at the same time, gives people confidence that only Americans - we -can solve the problems as a leader of the world. Therefore, the inaugural speech shows Obama's confidence, passion, and intention of solving the issues as a president of United State of America, like the ancestor did.

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