Monday, April 20, 2009

4/20/2009 Book assessment

The article "The Technology Slaves (783)" in the book, "Investing Argument" by John Mauk and John Metz states some bad things of technolgy- especially, the internet. The author Ross Wheatley claims people are seriously affected negatively by using internet and what side effects accompany with- financial cost.

It can be used a counter argument of the research paper that claims why people participate to the Facebook. If this article insists financial costs which people spend in order to obtain technology is getting bigger, the reserch paper can say Facebook tends to prevent the wasting of time and financial cost, too.

It will be highlighted on financial cost using internet, and how the Facebook prevents it.


  1. you don't state how you know this book is an authoritative source at all and isteadt talk about how it will help your research. you say the article says internet can be expensive thats why its bad but how does that help your arguement if face book does not prevent this but helps it.

  2. You can't use our anthology as your book source.
